
Pregily - Best Pregnancy Pillows at Amazon

 #Pregily is on Amazon now! Pregnancy pillows are bedding items that make sleeping easier for expectant mothers ( view our app on Amazon for smart shopping of pregnancy deals). All women expecting a baby know how difficult it is to find a comfortable sleeping position. And even if you lie on your side, the weight of the baby still causes a lot of inconvenience. In order to solve this problem, comfortable pillows for pregnant women were developed, the production of which takes into account the anatomical features of expectant mothers. Pillows for pregnant women: what are their features Pillows for pregnant women are made taking into account the peculiarities of the physique of a woman during the period of expectation of the baby. So, they are made in an oblong rounded form, visually resembling a banana or bagel. The dimensions of the product are such that a woman can easily entwine herself with a pillow, laying one part of it near her back, and the second - near her stomach